Can Rapamycin be Helpful for Parkinson’s Disease Patients?

An in-depth discussion of rapamycin, mTOR and autophagy and how they influence you health and your aging process. The interview airs Wednesday, August 3rd at 12:00 noon pacific time

Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton will preview the benefits of this little known medicine.

1. How was rapamycin discovered and why is it important?

2. The terms mTOR and autophagy are in the title of your book. Can you tell our listeners what these terms mean and why they are important?

   3.  You coined the term mTOR Syndrome. Can you explain what mTOR Syndrome is and who suffers from it?
  4.   Why do so many people suffer from mTOR Syndrome?
  5.  What are the health benefits of taking rapamycin?
  6.  Are there any studies reporting that rapamycin might benefit PD patients?
  7.   What are the barriers or roadblocks that hinder rapamycin’s acceptance as a life extension drug?
  8.  How can people get their physician to write them a prescription for rapamycin?
   9. Are there natural methods of rebalancing the mTOR/Autophagy ratio?
  10.  At what age can people start taking rapamycin?
  11.  Are there any side effects from taking rapamycin?
  1. The Rapamcyin Story: An interview with Ross Pelton, author of Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome, which was published in the June 2022 issue of Life Extension magazine.

  1. Rapamycin: A Quantum Leap in Life Extension: Article was published in the Aug. 4, 2022 issue of the Townsend Leter.

  1. Rapamycin: Extending Health Span and Life Span:  Article was published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal Vol. 21, No. 2, May 2022.

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A Novel Approach for Reducing Stress that Fuels Parkinson’s Symptoms

Lilian Sjøberg is a Danish coach and trouble shooter, good at seeing patterns, with a masters in biology. For five years, she has collected knowledge about how people around the world get better from chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease, and coached people to get better by reducing stress. Her mission is to spread self-help tools and accessible therapies to all people with symptoms, stress, and diagnoses.

Lilian has created her online HOPE-shortcut programme, based on this knowledge and experience, which currently consists of a stress test, practical course and coaching sessions:

H: get new hope – you can get better, learn a new way of thinking about symptoms;

O: observe your symptoms – so you know if your symptoms are decreasing or not –  notice the variation and be aware of which situations that make your symptoms flare up;

P: pacify your symptoms, learn about the 4 main strategies that people around the world use to reduce symptoms;

E: engage yourself – get extra motivation to start the journey to better health and be persistent;


Modern medicine uses biochemistry as the science of healing, but research is uncovering that Bioenergetics, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine is a more effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems.

Your body is made up of 70-100 trillion cells, and these cells perform thousands of biochemical functions every day. But what controls the biochemistry of your body? Well, we now know that the answer is Energy.

Every living thing on the planet gives & receives energy including the cells in your body! This energy forms fields in your body we call collectively  the Body-Field.

Your Body-Field transmits information to your cells own energy fields about what biochemical functions to perform and in what order- it is the information-software that directs your organisms energy-hardware. When this energy is blocked, the information is also blocked or gets distorted, and your body ceases to function the way it should.

Is It Possible to Regenerate Our Brain?

– What is your FAN-C approach to brain regeneration?

F- is for functional, A- for assessment, N-for nerve health nutrients, and -C, for cellular regeneration.

– What is laser activated and guided stem cell treatments?

Our newest addition to treatment, the very exciting very small embryonic stem cells, from our own bodies, get activated using red laser light, and then are given back to the body to help aid it’s healing capacity.

– Hope:

We are living at an incredible time, with many new procedures showing great promise and most importantly, we are getting real world results.

Click the link below to register for Dr. Eckel’s Brain Degeneration Summit:

Dr. Gregory Eckel has spent the last 20+ years developing and refining his unique approach to chronic neurological conditions. In addition to his experience in clinical practice using a combination of Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine, he has a deep personal connection with chronic neurological disease since his wife Sarieah passed of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a condition with no known cure. As she was the love of his life, he took a deep dive into research and uncovered regenerative medicine and the development of a brain regenerative program. In loving memory of his wife, he has continued to help others with neurodegenerative diseases improve their quality of life and find natural solutions.

Dr. Eckel is a highly respected international lecturer, author, and expert in integrative care for neurodegeneration. Co-Founder and owner of Nature Cures Clinic in Portland, Oregon,


The Cultural Brain and the Immune System

Dr. Mario E. Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist, established the Biocognitive Science Institute™ in 1998. He developed a theory of mindbodyculture he calls Biocognition to suggests how cognition and biology coemerge with their cultural history in a bioinformational field that seeks maximum contextual relevance.

Mario Martinez’s theory of biocognitive science proposes that the brain learns to interpret symbols and their biological correlates from cultural contexts. He is the proponent of cultural psychoneuroimmunology (how cultural beliefs affect the regulation of nervous, immune, and endocrine systems). The plasticity of our brain allows for reversals of dysfunctional behavior learned from the cultural reality we weave to perceive our world.

Biocognitive Science Institute

New Probiotic Formulated for Parkinson’s

Martha Carlin, CEO and Founder of The BioCollective, Citizen Scientist and wife of John Carlin, an 18 year “veteran” of Parkinson’s Disease discusses their journey together to find supportive therapies for better quality of life and her company’s development of the probiotic BiotiQuest Sugar Shift.   Martha will discuss her Company’s research in the Parkinson’s Microbiome, emerging research in gut health and constipation as an early indicator of Parkinson’s, and the foundational science behind the Sugar Shift formula.  The BiotiQuest Sugar Shift formula was designed to make mannitol in the gut with eight strains of probiotic bacteria the work together to convert Glucose and Fructose in the body in to mannitol. Research company website Probiotics website

Information on Martha’s Parkinsons work


Can Carbon 60 Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms?

This interview with Kenneth Swartz, CEO of C60 Purple Power,  previews the Amazing Health Benefits of the Super Antioxidant C60.

C60 is designeed to be a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from oxidative stress, significantly reduces inflammation and supports increased energy, performance and endurance.

Also check out our Youtube Channel  C60 Purple Power for several dozen videos on the Health benefits of C60.

Learning How to Move Better with Parkinson’s

Michelle Turner Created Movement Lesson™ LLC, a unique therapy method that utilizes a combination of gentle touch through rotational and purposeful movement within the principles of oppositional gravity through counterbalance and rotation to create an individualized and profoundly effective therapy session.

What are the 3 main concerns to be active with Parkinson’s. Michelle explains how you can improve your body’s key stabilizers

1. Balance • Walking better • Benefits of Pole Walking • Maintaining an active lifestyle

2. Sleep • Learning how to lie down • Exercises I can do for relaxing my body

3. Speech/Vision • Working the room • How vision will improve every movement in my body • Exercises to improve speech and vision • Exercises to improve breathing with rotation

New X-Plus Light Therapy from Vielight

Click the arrow below to hear an interview with Vielight’s CEO and inventor Dr. Lew Lim who discusses his new X-Plus photobiomodulation device invention.

I want to make sure everyone knows about its availability in light of success with the previous Vielight  Neuro Gamma device. First, I will offer a brief report on user’s experience with using the Neuro Gamma device which is why I am excited about Dr. Lim’s new invention – the X-Plus.

Neuro Gamma Device

Over seventy (70) members of my Parkinsons Recovery audience purchased and used
the Vielight Neuro Gamma device over the past year. The exciting news for me has been that it was one of the most frequently mentioned therapies reported to be helpful in responses to my 2018 Holiday Survey.

Vielight representatives tell me that only 1 out of 10 units were returned for an 80% refund. Nine out of ten users found the device to be beneficial. My conclusion: The Neuro Gamma has helped most – but not all users. Odds of success are clearly in your favor.


The new X-Plus Vielight device can be used in conjunction with the Neuro Gamma to irradiate the posterior brain with light. If you are already getting good results with using the Vielight Neuro Gamma device.  consider using the X-Plus along with the Neuro Gamma. It just might provide a welcome boast to symptom relief.

The X-Plus can also be used  as an independent device. The great news of the day is that the cost of the new X-Plus device is half the cost of the Neuro Gamma. It is listed as $749. The company has again agreed to offer members of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount  on the X-Plus (as they did for the Neuro Gamma). To claim the discount enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. If you call in your order, simply tell the representative you are with Parkinsons Recovery.

I have no hesitation encouraging as many of you as possible to try the new X-Plus Device out. How come?

First, the Neuro Gamma has been a success. I am betting the X-Plus will follow suit. Dr. Lim is an amazing inventor.

Second, the company offers an 80% refund for any unit that is returned within six months of use. This gives you time to see if the therapy will prove helpful. The financial risk of trying it out is minimal since you are assured of getting 80% of your investment back.

More information about the new X-Plus Light Therapy device can be found on the Vielight website:

Vielight Inc – Wearable Photobiomodulation Technology


High Dose Thiamine as a Novel, Promising Therapy

Parkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identifying promising new therapies that offer the promise of reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. One such therapy, High-Dose Thiamine,  was discussed on Parkinsons Recovery Radio by Italian neurologist Antonio Constantini MD.  He has been prescribing High Dose Thiamine as a treatment for his Parkinson’s patients with good success.  Click on the pointer to hear the replay.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a systemic disease with motor and non-motor deficits. In July 2011, Dr. Costantini treated a 47-year-old man affected by spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2). In this patient, fatigue as well as motor symptoms improved after parenteral high doses of thiamine (also this was our proprietary research).

He formulated the hypothesis that in some inherited and degenerative diseases of the nervous system, the pathogenesis of the symptoms could be linked to a focal thiamine deficiency due to a dysfunction of the circulation of thiamine in the intracellular space or to structural enzymatic abnormalities. He speculated this dysfunction could be responsive to high-dose thiamine. Parkinson’s disease has also been related to mutations associated with SCA2. Applying the same approach to patients with Parkinson’s symptoms the observed results were nothing short of startling and never previously described in literature.

